Wow, I haven't seen anything by Andy in years. He was one of the earliest "alt-right" personalities I discovered many years ago on YT, but I guess he was censored and deplatformed and I lost track of his content. Looking forward to hear this

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Fascinating insight into, what has now become a taboo. Always a good place to investigate in these times of censorship. This talk had resonances with the Troy Southgate interview, where an organisation that starts as a community interest, grass roots affair is eventually infiltrated by the usual suspects & becomes the icon of hatred & intolerance. This method is very common it would seem. Wasn't it a similar process with The Black Panthers in USA? Thanks for the thoughts guys

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Andy's comedy would be right up your street: https://andynowicki.substack.com/p/comedy-has-consequences

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I've always found Andy's story interesting. Thanks. He was caught up in the first wave of cancel culture and stood his ground.

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Good talk. Certain parallels with Jasun Horsley's latest about alternative media, 'The Jazz Police'.

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Luke has a quasi apostolic quiescent coherence..somehow polite but riveting especial way of communication and pragmatic yet esthetic persona...we find Luke s podcasts..tho we disregard the occasional astrology lunacy...to be a magisterial ambient moment..he does not have any ersatz or smurf-like dogma s or judeao-bolshevist iron hammer quality..the same unwelcome unrequested *hostile anti human quality* seen in so much of all lame stream massmedia..."there's thankfully..never..any of that in Luke s stentorian and true gentlemanly podcasting...*such a welcome relief! Good grief!So much is verboten!So much is forbidden! Luke brings fresh thinking ..fresh air to the tired thirsty soul seeking freedom..open fun intelligent discourse..El-On Muskrat the dopehead trojan horse Judas goat..should Pay Luke the very big bucks for El--On muskrat...the trumprat-like grifter....to start all over again and learn what free speech really is..not the judeao "-bolshevist controlled opposition satanic honey pot of twitter...*X...Congrats luke** .....

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