Oct 26, 2023Liked by Luke Dodson

This sort of thing should be BANNED

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Luke Dodson

Too bloody right! Might get some coverage then.. this essay reminded me if themes brought to light in James Joyce's Finnigans Wake, where the entities of gods and spirits of the ancients are all still intermingled with current culture in such a profound way. Our language and its way of structuring our thought is indeed built from previous cultures. The legacy of previous empires is still a defining force. In The Wake there is also the recognition of the cyclic nature of belief systems and thier reoccurrence throughout time. I think it was an idea from Giambattista Vico. Great piece man! Thanks for all the work ❤️

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Fascinating. Vico is on my get-to list. I think he came up with the notion of the 'barbarism of reflection', when a culture becomes so caught up with abstractions that it loses sight of reality (coughgenderpronounscough). Thanks for reading, brother!

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023Liked by Luke Dodson

Maybe Israel was a convenient test bed for the Covid injections. If the goal includes reducing the human population in some way and controlling the survivors, it wouldn't matter that some in Israel didn't survive the needle.

Ill health pays anyway. I was reading about the Moonshot project centred in Japan and see that "The Moonshot initiative centers on seven lofty objectives, ranging from freeing people “from limitations of body, brain, space, and time by 2050” to the realization of “sustainable care systems to overcome major diseases by 2040.”

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Yes - shibboleth words that suggest a 'caring' 'sustainable' new 'system' - everybody knows that systems solve all our problems - and Moonshot - per ardua ad astra! - all now obsolete words due to the fact that people are waking up that none of them mean jackshit in the real world, space travel.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Luke Dodson

Regrettably, because I've liked some of his comics, that interview with Alan Moore has caused me to toss him into the "fucking moron" category.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Luke Dodson

"The problem with taking a pneumatic drill to the foundations of every single coherent narrative is that, pretty soon, nobody will be able to come up with a coherent narrative in favour of the status quo"

Behold the rewards of the black magic of the propagandists. This is why I don't believe the "Illuminati/China/WEF controls everything" brand of political thought. Their basic tactic is to drive both us and their minions insane, and that simply cannot end well.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Luke Dodson

The suggestion that humanity is farmed in chaos for the energy harvesting of non-human forces is the only theory that makes logical sense.

I enjoyed the piece.

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I like the snarky remark that we are an observation planet only - "they" don't want to come here.

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I believe Doris Lessing's Shikasta series of SF novels deals with an idea quite similar to this.

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Ya-Ah- eeh Luke

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I have secretly believed there were forces working on behalf of humanity ever since I worked in the office of some scientists in LA who I learned were quietly de-escalating the tension between the US & Soviets by participating in scientific exchanges and efforts to free the dissident Andrei Sakharov. I was in an international yoga & meditation group, not a cult type one, & I did believe that those practices - by all who were doing them (Buddhists, yogis, whatever) were protecting the world. I felt like one tiny cell in a greater work. Years later, I worked in a Midwestern city after 9/11 and noticed some Transcendental Meditation people quietly holding space in an urban plaza, and while I was never into TM, I did appreciate their presence. (There was a large Air Force base in that city, which later got drawn into the Iraq War, unfortunately - peace vibrations don't always stop the warmakers).

As for the dark forces, lots of the "high strangeness" type podcasts have been talking about egregores, with apparently good reason. You may mean something farther out, but I bet egregores carry a lot of the will to violence.

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