Thank you for this honest and loving account of a tragic event that carries as many positives as the negatives.

Looking at the life map of events, leading up to Toby’s passing, one can see how normalised death had become to a young man with a desperate need to love.

Had Toby never of existed, Luke’s personality may not of become what it is today. Several people would not of experienced the opportunity to cycle in foreign lands, read and reflect on a very personal, yet public sad loss of a deeply sensitive soul.

Thank you Luke. Love and Peace as always.

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Thank you Kevin - love and peace back to you and yours.

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Well done for writing this down, I'm sure the exercise will prove beneficial. May Toby's troubled soul always rest in the arms of the Absolute. Was your brother a water sign, by any chance? Also from T.S. Eliot:

Go, said the bird, for the leaves were full of children,

Hidden excitedly, containing laughter.

Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind

Cannot bear very much reality.

Time past and time future

What might have been and what has been

Point to one end, which is always present.

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Beautiful words, thanks Troy. If I have the correct birth time for Toby, he was Cancer rising with Sun in Leo, a couple of other water placements as well (Jupiter in Scorpio, Venus in Cancer). A few people have picked up on a Piscean energy with him; interestingly, one of my dad's friends thought I was a Pisces when he met me shortly after my brother died. Looking back on it, certain behavioral qualities my brother had started to manifest in me for a few years after his death.

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Really interesting. Thanks, Luke.

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Great essay! Nothing is insignificant in this reality. Thanks for sharing the story. I find it gives me strength, emotionally, as I reflect on what you're all involved in. Good medicine indeed

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Thanks Phil!

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This is good medicine.

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